Sunday, August 31, 2008


Steve hasn’t rested well the last two nights, but he’s sleeping now. His pain is increasing, and he had some breathing problems last night.

This morning we woke up to that yucky burning-electrical smell. It seemed to be coming from the air conditioner. Within an hour one of our pastors and his wife were here with a portable a/c unit to keep the bedroom cool. (I won’t use names because I found out that embarrasses some people.) Steve’s feverish and it’s hard to keep him cool as it is.

We now have three men from our church (including an electrician) working on the problem. I guess it’s electrical, but they said the hot-water heater is out, too. But, Steve has never had to be without cool air. Thank you Lord. These guys are taking care of everything.

This morning one of our pastors, his wife, our son Andy, and a friend shared communion with Steve. It was meaningful for all of us. Words just won’t do it justice.

I really don’t know how people go through something like this without a supportive church, and a supportive family. I’m so thankful for that.

Please keep praying for Steve’s comfort. He’s at peace, but I know there is some apprehension about the pain level increasing. And, if I let myself think about it, it scares me, too.

Thank you for the prayers, and for all the people helping with our other problems today.

“Remember, our faith is always at its greatest point when we are in the middle of the trial, and confidence in the flesh will never endure testing. Fair-weather faith is not faith at all.” Charles H. Spurgeon


Cyndi said...

I just wanted you to know we are thinking of you non-stop here. I love the Spurgeon quote you shared. Here is one I read this morning and I thought of you and Steve:

"Be strong and very courageous, and the Lord thy God shall certainly, as surely as He built the heavens and the earth, glorify Himself in thy weakness, and magnify his might in the midst of thy distress. The grandeur of the arch of heaven would be spoiled if the sky were supported by a single visible column, and your faith would lose its glory if it rested on anything discernible by the carnal eye. May the Holy Spirit give you to rest in Jesus this closing day of the month." - CH Spurgeon

We love y'all.

Anonymous said...

Hi my dearest friends.
God is good and He is always at your side.
The Lord is my shepherd.I shall not be in want.Psams 23:1
We still praying for you and your family.
In Christ
Familia Parra de la Peña

Anonymous said...

Dear Sheri & Steve, We are so thankful for your support group from your church, your friends and family. It is such a comfort to us to know you have help when you need it the most. I wish we lived closer & were able to help you during these dark days. Will pray your air conditioning is fixed & that you and your family will get a good night's sleep tonight. I checked your Grandmother out of the Nursing Home today and we had a picnic at Paul's farm. She really had a good day. Roy and Paul cooked a pig in the ground. Was a first. ha It was better than our Luaua in Hawaii. We love you & are praying Steve's pain does not increase but will decrease. Aunt Doris, Uncle Roy, & Granny

Juliett and Haley said...

I hope that your AC repairs, and the hot water heater problems have been resolved. What a blessing to see all of the support, love, and prayers throughout the community.
I'm praying and thinking about you all daily.

Please let me know if I can bring anything out your way.

We love you all.
Juliett and Haley

Anonymous said...

Steve - 40 people from our church prayed for you today. God bless both of you.
Gaynelle and Miles

Anonymous said...

Steve and Sherri,

Words just can't adequately express how much you both inspire us with your faith and strength. We love you!

Still praying, Debbie

Anonymous said...

Dear Steve and Sheri,

I am learning so much from your experience as you post. I remain thankful for the ministry of the church and grateful to our mighty God for victory over suffering and death in our Lord Jesus Christ.

We will continue to pray for protection/relief from pain and continued peace for Steve; strength and peace for you Sheri. You are loved,

Emily said...

I prayed for you all this morning!
<>< Emily Carlton

Juliett and Haley said...

Sending prayers and hugs.

Tania Parra said...

Dear Steve and Sheri:

I`m am praying for you guys, and praying that Steve`s pain decrease.
I am amazed of the support your church has given you during this hard days. All of you up in Dallas are a truly inspiration to all of us here in Mexico. We are so blessed to count on people like you. Your church is a great inspiration to all of us here and we are gratefully thankful of what you are doinng here in Mexico. I miss the whole group that came for the first time to Piedras Negras!!!
May God give Steve peace and comfort and let him sleep well.
I love you,

Anonymous said...

Tommy and I continue to pray for you both. Specifically for your comfort and for you to feel God's love surrounding you. He is right there with you every step of this journey, holding your hand and carrying you when you are too weak to continue. I wish I could be there to help you in some way. I'm there in spirit as are hundreds of others. Know that you are loved.
Love you both,
Aunt Tami and Uncle Tommy

ellebelle said...

Sheri and Steve - I do not know you, but have been reading your blog since the beginning. I don't even remember how I stumbled upon it, but I have checked in daily to see Steve's progress. I am still believing in God's miraculous healing, but realize that it may not be on this earth. As a wife myself, I admire your courage, your strength which I know you get only from the Holy Spirit. I pray you feel God's presence during this very difficult time and He and He alone will give you the strength to lift up your head in these days and the coming days after.

Anonymous said...

Praying now for God to heal Steve.

~~Cindetta ~~ said...

Dear Sheri and Steve,

We think of you and pray for you often. God is a loving, gracious God and I know that He will continue to give your family Peace and Strength.

With love and prayers!

The Anthony Family