Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thursday evening, July 31

We’re home. We spent last night at the home-care’s inpatient facility, and they were able to install a PICC line. This is a semi-permanent line installed in his upper arm for easy access for IV’s, etc. So, he's getting IV fluids now at home. It can also be used for medications and such.

He's feeling better with the hydration, but has been a little nauseated since we've been home.

We cannot adequately express our thanks for the way you are taking care of us. It's a beautiful picture of how the Body of Christ functions as a loving family. God is using our brothers and sisters in Christ to carry us through this with amazing love and generosity. We're so thankful.

Please continue to be in prayer for the treatments we'll start Monday in Houston. We leave Sunday.

We continue to rest in His loving, sovereign arms.


Melanie Elaine Smith said...

Steve and Sheri,
We continue to stand in prayer for you, please know that if you need anything at all...please do not hesitate to call us. I would like to help get you guys a prayer pager. People pray, dial the pager number, enter their zip code, press the # sign, The pager recipient receives a gentle buzz from the pager each time someone prays and thinks of them.

They are provided by The Coach Charlie Stalcup Foundation. It was established to provide funding and services to families fighting cancer that may experience special circumstances or have xtraordinary requests. The purpose of the foundation is to reflect what Charlie did every time he taught in a classroom or coached on a football field. He provided hope and faith to those in need. The goal of the foundation is to maintain an eternal legacy honoring his life. If you would like me to help you get one, let me know and we can contact my friend who is the Director of the foundation and fill out the necessary paperwork-it is real easy..

We love you guys!!!
Love, Melanie and Brian

CCCC said...

Keeping you in my prayers...

SNB's said...

We are relieved you are back home and feeling better. Those were a couple of pretty rough days. I put a few more pics out there for you.
We'll keep on praying for you buddy... Love ya, Toby

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve,

Our family is still keeping you in our prayers. Keep fightin!!

Shane and Elyssa

Anonymous said...

Steve and Sheri,
Roman and I are continually praying for you.
Thank You for being such humble servants in all you do and for reminding all of us that God is truly in control. We pray and lean on Him for understanding and peace for you during this time in your lives.
Your example of trust and strength in Christ is helping us grow in our walk.
We are here for you and will be praying as you travel to Houston.
In His Love,
Shari Rios

Anonymous said...

Just read that you are home and we thank God for that answer to prayer. We love you all so much and are lifting each of you up throughout the days. Thank you for taking the time to keep all of us updated ~ amazing! To no surprise, you continue to show us God's grace & dignity through your actions. We ache for you as well as thank you because we, too, are drawing closer to God in a new & different way as we read & hear of your journey. Our prayers travel with you to Houston. Love, The Trevinos

Vickie said...

We're still praying for you guys.

I randomly ended up at this site this morning and thought it might bless you:


Tania Parra said...

Steve and Sheri,

you are in my prayers...We love you

Anonymous said...

Dear Steve and Sheri,
Our ABF is praying for you and it is inspirational to see how love is returned from the faithfulness you have delivered to God's purpose in your life. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Our prayers are with you and the boys and our faith is in our Lord. Thank you for your continous demostration of faith. You and your lives are an inspiration to all of us. Love, T&G

Mike said...

Steve and Sheri - I and wanted you to know, that Justin is going to pray with us at 7:30 from Iraq Sunday morning along with other Marines. We continue to pray for you almost every second of the day and know we love you so very much. Hopefully we will see you Wednesday in Houston on our way back home.